Mommy Makeover Case #6610

This 33 year old lady was not happy with a Breast Augmentation that had been done in Corpus Christi. Dr. Koneru had operated her step daughter and she asked him to revise her breast surgery. She wanted to have a more natural appearance with larger breasts. She also did not like the appearance of her abdomen after having 2 children via C-section. She was not happy with the C-section scar and the extra tissue that she had hanging.Dr. Koneru performed a full abdominoplasty and removed her old C-section scar. At the same time he removed her old textured implants that were less than 300 cc and replaced them with 400 cc Allergan Smooth Round Moderate Profile Silicone implants. Since she still had significant ptosis, she also underwent a Breast Lift (mastopexy).
- Patient #: 6610
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 31 - 35
- Procedure: Mommy Makeover