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You Can’t Outrun a Bad Diet

I have tried many exercise regimens: running, Zumba, kickboxing, hip-hop, boot camp, etc. When people find out I’m a dietitian they always ask me the same thing; why are they not losing weight when they are exercising “all the time”. Let’s break it down shall we?

First and foremost, many people tend to overestimate how much and how often they workout and underestimate how many calories they eat.  Let’s be honest, working out for 30 minutes 3 days a week is not going to burn enough calories to lose a significant amount of weight. Often we feel that since we are exercising we can indulge in extra treats or bigger helpings at meals without us noticing what we are doing. This leads to frustration when you step on the scale and don’t see any progress.

Others actually workout very hard, 4-7 days a week for an hour each day but still don’t see results. Why? Most likely it’s because their daily calorie intakes are higher because they feel they can eat whatever they want because they exercise. Unless you’re a competitive athlete, this is not true (and in most cases they too have to restrict their diets to perform at an optimal level).  A proper diet is 70% of weight loss and exercise is 30%. But when both are done in unison you will get 100% results!

How can you be successful in creating a winning combination?

The road to success awaits you; so eat and run, walk, or dance your way to a new you!

Vijaya is the lead dietitian and president of Alamo Nutrition Consultants LLC, a private nutrition counseling practice located in San Antonio. If you would like to schedule an appointment to jump start your weight loss goals, ANC can help. For more information, call 210-971-0044 or visit their website at