Mommy Makeover

Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Antonio, TX

Mommy Makeover San Antonio

Making Women Feel Beautiful

A mommy makeover is a customizable set of surgeries. These are tailored to address the aesthetic concerns that arise after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or from the aging process. Becoming a mother is an exciting, life-changing time in a woman’s life. Unfortunately, some of the physical changes that come along with this process can leave a woman feeling discouraged. Mommy makeovers can be tailored to restore a pre-baby body, and help women look and feel their very best. After all, many of the effects of motherhood simply don’t respond to diet and exercise. Women are left to struggle with loose skin, breasts that have lost volume or become asymmetrical, or stubborn abdominal fat and damaged abdominal muscles. Dr. Suresh Koneru utilizes his years of expertise and a compassionate approach to help patients enhance their assets and enjoy natural-looking, optimal results. Call (726) 227-6847 to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Koneru at Advanced Concepts in Plastic Surgery in San Antonio. Is your little one keeping you busy? You can also fill out an online form at your convenience, and one of our staff members will be in touch.

About Mommy Makeovers

Mommy makeovers are a popular way for women to address multiple aesthetic concerns. These versatile, restorative procedures can be customized to meet a woman’s unique needs. The breasts, abdomen, and intimate areas undergo dramatic changes following motherhood, and there are surgical solutions that can effectively treat these areas. Having children enriches so many areas of our lives, but doesn’t leave us with much spare time. Mommy makeovers can be designed so that multiple procedures are performed in one surgical session. This means that women only have to undergo one recovery, and can get back to their busy lives as quickly as possible.

Mommy Makeover Procedures Usually Include:

  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Augmentation, with or without lift
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Liposuction
  • Labiaplasty

Before and After Photos

Breast Procedures

Breast surgical procedures are an effective way to reverse the effects of hormones, gravity, and breastfeeding. And, with a specially designed breast procedure, women can improve upon what nature gave them in the first place, and achieve the breast shape and size that they’ve always dreamed of.

Breast Lift

Breast ptosis, or sagging, is a frustrating condition that will eventually affect every woman’s bustline during the aging process. However, women that have had children will find that their breast mass has descended far earlier in their lives. Hormonal changes and lactation can cause fluctuations in the size of the breasts and unfortunately, the delicate skin that encases the breast mound isn’t always able to snap back. Changes in weight also accompany pregnancy and recovery from childbirth, women can find that their breasts are dramatically different from how they appeared before their first pregnancy. A breast lift removes loose, excess skin so that the lower pole of the breast sits higher on the chest, and the nipple-areolar complex is restored to a perky, youthful position.

Breast Augmentation

For women concerned by breasts that appear “deflated,” a breast augmentation can restore volume and self-esteem. Dr. Koneru uses Mentor Memory Gel silicone implants, which are considered the gold standard for women that want the firm realistic feel of silicone. And, most women do! It’s the most popular kind of implant used in breast augmentations in the US today.(1) Dr. Koneru performs breast implants with Ideal Implants for women that prefer a saline implant. With more options available and better safety, women can find the size, shape, and projection that satisfies all of their aesthetic desires. Advanced Concepts in Plastic Surgery offers patients a digital imaging system that lets women get a sneak preview of their results so that they can make a confident decision about the implant specifications that will best suit their physique. When it comes to breast augmentations, there’s less to worry about than ever before. Advances in anesthesia and analgesics have made recovering from this procedure far more comfortable.

Dr. Koneru performs a PECS block when performing breast surgeries. This technique targets the nerves in the chest and numbs them with long-acting Exparel, an effective local anesthetic. When administered in addition to standard general anesthesia, patients are able to remain numb for up to 72 hours after their procedure, (2) which is typically when they experience the most discomfort. Breast augmentation can be performed at the same time as a breast lift in certain circumstances for beautiful, revitalized breasts. 

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, eliminates sagging skin and allows patients to reclaim a smooth, taut midsection. A low, horizontal incision made between the hipbones allows Dr. Koneru access to the underlying structures of the abdomen. He can then remove unwanted fat deposits and trim away any pesky, sagging skin.

Many women suffer from diastasis recti also known as muscle separation following pregnancy. This condition is caused when pressure from the growing fetus causes the connective tissue that holds the rectus abdominis muscles together to split. Once separated, women can experience a prominent bulge and a variety of other unpleasant symptoms. Tummy tuck procedures commonly include repairing these muscles with a reinforcing suture pattern that pulls them back into place. Women enjoy a smoother, flatter tummy, and are able to rebuild their core strength once healed.

In addition to making any necessary repairs, Dr. Koneru can remove unwanted fat deposits with excision or by incorporating liposuction. Once the ideal abdomen has been created, the skin of the abdomen is redraped, with excess skin being removed and tension adjusted so that the patient is left with a firm, flat abdomen. ZWave sessions are a valuable addition to a tummy tuck. This treatment uses high-energy shockwaves to stimulate collagen production and retract skin. It improves skin elasticity and is a proven and effective way to achieve significant, long-lasting results. ZWave after liposuction also ensures that skin is firm and smooth, swelling improves, and that skin is contoured closely to the new, flatter midsection.


Liposuction can be an effective addition to a tummy tuck. It’s also a versatile procedure that can be used to treat many other areas of the body. It’s perfectly normal to gain weight during pregnancy, but the set of new curves isn’t always in an ideal location. Dr. Koneru takes a comprehensive approach to body contouring that utilizes multiple technologies to give patients slender contours, and an ideal physique. After receiving liposuction, patients can return for a session of green light therapy. This low-level light treatment can help further reduce fat. Advanced Concepts in Plastic Surgery also offers ZWave for non-invasive skin tightening. This innovative technology is the perfect way to put the finishing touches on your surgery and ensure that any area of your body is perfectly contoured and smooth. It’s also an effective way to improve the appearance of cellulite! Dr. Koneru believes that his patients should have every advantage to achieve optimal results, and will be able to design a personalized treatment plan after your personal consultation.


Hormonal fluctuations and the strain of giving birth can result in unwanted changes to a woman’s intimate areas. Women that are suffering from physical or emotional discomfort from labial hypertrophy, or enlarged labia minora, may find relief with a labiaplasty. This surgery reduces the length of one or both of the inner lips of the vagina. Labiaplasties have an extremely high satisfaction rate, and can be performed with one of several techniques, depending on the patient’s unique anatomy and desires.(4)To learn more about Dr. Koneru’s individualized approach to this and other procedures, take a look at his blog!


You don’t need to have children to benefit from a mommy makeover! Women that are looking to improve one or more areas of their bodies can select the procedures that best suit their needs, and start looking forward to rejuvenated results and enjoying everything that comes along with being a woman. However, because many of the procedures that are included in a mommy makeover are involved surgical procedures, it’s crucial that candidates meet the criteria that will allow them to undergo surgery safely.

Ideal Candidates for a Mommy Makeover

  • Are in good health, at a stable weight, and free from certain underlying medical conditions
  • Are nonsmokers, or willing to quit using any nicotine products several months before their surgeries and for the duration of their recovery
  • Are able to dedicate the appropriate time to rest and healing, and have the necessary support to do so
  • Understand that future pregnancies can diminish the results of their mommy makeover
  • Have realistic expectations about what their procedures can accomplish, and are well-informed as to what these surgeries entail

The only way to determine whether you’re a good candidate for a mommy makeover is to schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. Call (726) 227-6847 to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Koneru at Advanced Concepts in Plastic Surgery in San Antonio. You can also fill out our convenient online form, and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Personal Consultation

Dr. Koneru is committed to making each of his patients feel comfortable before their procedure and thrilled with their results afterward. Your personal consultation is an opportunity to meet with Dr. Koneru and have a friendly, honest conversation about the areas you’d like to improve. You’ll have the chance to learn more about the procedures that can be included in a mommy makeover, and he’ll get to learn more about your lifestyle and desires.

Together, you’ll discuss your goals, and Dr. Koneru will be able to address any concerns that you may have.

After reviewing your medical history, he’ll examine the areas that you’d like to treat, and may order additional testing to ensure that you are a good candidate for a mommy makeover.

Before the date of your surgery, you’ll be given a personalized list of instructions to ensure that you have a successful procedure, a smooth recovery, and beautiful results.


The length and details of your recovery will depend on the surgeries that make up your mommy makeover. Patients that have chosen to undergo a tummy tuck as part of their mommy makeover will need to rest in an inclined position, ideally either in a recliner or in a bed that flexes. And, as with any surgery, it’s important to keep moving. Short 10-15 minute walks every two hours will promote good circulation and aid in the healing process. Dr. Koneru implements a FRAPS (fast recovery after plastic surgery) protocol that ensures every patient has the best possible experience.

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost in San Antonio?

The cost of your mommy makeover at Advanced Concepts in Plastic Surgery will depend on the procedures that you’ve chosen, and the surgical details required for your unique anatomy and desires. As a result, the price of a mommy makeover does vary from patient to patient. You’ll be given a comprehensive breakdown and an accurate estimate for the cost of your procedures following your personal consultation with Dr. Koneru.


Can I get a mommy makeover if I don’t have children?

Yes! Mommy makeovers aren’t just for mothers. Many women choose this procedure because it’s a way to address multiple aesthetic concerns at once. Procedures like tummy tucks and labiaplasties are popular ways to reverse the effects of aging on the female body.

How long does it take to recover from a mommy makeover?

The length of your recovery will depend on the procedures that you’ve chosen and your body’s unique rate of healing. While most surgical procedures allow patients to return to light activity within two weeks, residual swelling can often take several months to diminish, and it usually takes about six weeks before patients can return to more strenuous activities.

What happens to all the fluid that comes out of the drains if there are no drains?

Dr. Koneru’s surgical techniques involve suturing your skin and fat down to the fascia layer so that there is no space for fluid to accumulate.  This does add a little time to the surgical procedure, but it is well worth it not to have to deal with the pain and discomfort of drains.


  1. Nguyen, T. T., & Kilaru, P. (2020). Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Procedures: Augmentation and Reconstruction Procedures. FP Essentials, 497, 27–36. 
  2. Kaye, A. D., Armstead-Williams, C., Hyatali, F., Cox, K. S., Kaye, R. J., Eng, L. K., Farooq Anwar, M. A., Patel, P. V., Patil, S., & Cornett, E. M. (2020). Exparel for Postoperative Pain Management: a Comprehensive Review. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 24(11), 73. 
  3. Nahabedian M. Y. (2018). Management Strategies for Diastasis Recti. Seminars in plastic surgery, 32(3), 147–154.
  4. Willis, R. N., Wong, C. S., Pai, A., & Patel, B. C. (2021). Labiaplasty Minora Reduction. Retrieved from PubMed website: