Gummy Bear Breast Implants

Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Antonio, TX

At last – natural-looking implants that look great, feel great and hold their shape for a long time. How ‘sweet’ is that?


Cohesive silicone implants have been called “Gummy Bears” because just like the candy, they are dense and a little rubbery. What makes this type of Silicone implant so popular is that the thick gel makes them less likely to leak and allows the implants to be contoured into a natural teardrop shape that will last for many years.

Innovation in Implants

Dr. Suresh Koneru is pleased that he was the first in San Antonio to offer these innovative, natural-looking implants to help you feel better, look better and stay natural.

FDA Approved!

There’s nothing ‘artificial’ about this breakthrough product! European women have enjoyed this technology for a long time, and these contoured Silicone implants by Sientra are FDA-approved in the U.S.


If you are in overall good health, and you have recently lost a lot of weight…been through cancer treatment and a mastectomy…or maybe you are just ready for a better, more natural-looking you—then you may be a good candidate for Gummy Bear implants!

Available in Dr. Koneru’s Office!

These state-of-the-art cohesive gel implants are available at Dr. Koneru’s office here in San Antonio. In addition to looking fabulous, some of the benefits to you include:

  • Less leakage. The denser silicone holds together well and is much less likely to leak.
  • More natural. Since contoured silicone implants are shaped to fit your figure, they look less artificial – more like the real thing.
  • No “ripple” effect. The new gel is smoother and thicker. The density of the gel keeps the implant smooth and has less of the rippling effect than what is commonly experienced with Saline implants.

Many people are calling the new implant products the ‘future of breast augmentation.’ You don’t have to wait for the future – you can treat yourself to better breasts right now.

You can get an idea of the cohesive nature of the gel in the following video.  Here a contoured implant is cut open and squeezed.  You will notice that even under pressure the gel sticks together (it is cohesive) and then returns back to its shape without any of the gel leaking!


As with any surgical procedure, experience and trust make all the difference in deciding what products and techniques are best for your well-being. You can count on one of the top doctors in Breast Augmentation and Reconstruction to give you the best care available. Go ahead – treat yourself to a more beautiful, contoured body.

To help you see how the implants will look on you and to learn more, just go to our Before &  Afters gallery of photos.

Any woman who is in overall good health and has realistic expectations is a candidate. Whether you are getting Breast Augmentation for medical or esthetic reasons, Dr. Koneru will explain your implant options, including Gummy Bear Implants.  You and Dr. Koneru will discuss your goals and which type of implant is best for you.

Interested in Gummy Bear Breasts?  Many Women Are!  Call 210-499-5900 for an Appointment and a Consultation!