Tummy Tuck

Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Antonio, TX

Tummy Tuck San Antonio

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen. It can also repair abdominal muscles that have been damaged during pregnancy. A tummy tuck is performed using a single incision in the lower abdomen that can be easily hidden under clothing. It’s a commonly performed procedure and is popular with women who wish to regain a slimmer midsection after pregnancy.

Whether it’s from carrying a baby or accumulated abdominal fat, stretched skin sometimes fails to snap back. Excess skin below the navel can cause wrinkling and a pooch that’s difficult to conceal with clothing and is impossible to contour through diet and exercise alone.

At Advanced Concepts in Plastic Surgery, Dr. Suresh Koneru can perform a body-shaping, confidence-boosting abdominoplasty procedure tailored to your aesthetic goals. Dr. Koneru ensures that each of his patients has the best possible experience by performing abdominoplasties with fast recovery protocols and the latest technology so that they heal quickly, comfortably, and enjoy beautiful results. This includes drainless abdominoplasty, and the long-lasting anesthetic Exparel to ensure a comfortable experience. At our San Antonio location, we offer top-tier cosmetic surgery services and are ready to help you find the perfect enhancing treatments for your needs. Contact us to arrange a personal consultation with Dr. Koneru. Please call us at (726) 227-6847, or fill out the form on our website.

Before and After Photos

About Abdominoplasty

The goal of a tummy tuck is to address abdominal contour issues comprehensively and safely with results that last.(1) But, patients that undergo an abdominoplasty get more than just a flat belly. Studies confirm that cosmetic abdominoplasty can significantly improve patients’ overall quality of life, including:

  • Body Satisfaction
  • Sexual Intimacy
  • Self-Esteem
  • Mental Health

Abdominoplasty has become an increasingly popular cosmetic surgery in recent years. In fact, it’s not only women who have had children that opt for this type of surgery. Massive weight loss (MWL) patients may have undergone a bariatric procedure to help them lose weight. One of the results of this type of surgery can be excess skin that is unable to shrink back onto the abdomen. As bariatric procedures such as the gastric balloon and gastric sleeve have become more common, the abdominoplasty has helped many patients reduce excess abdominal tissue after their weight loss surgery.(2)

Types of Tummy Tuck

There is no “one size fits all” with abdominoplasty. Every patient’s needs are different, so there are a few different variations of the procedure that Dr. Koneru can perform. At your personal consultation, he will determine which method is best suited to your anatomy and goals.

Traditional Abdominoplasty

In a standard abdominoplasty, Dr. Koneru will make a hip-to-hip incision. Another incision encircles the belly button. This allows him to lift the sagging skin, and place sutures in the underlying musculature, usually above and below the navel. This repairs and strengthens the abdominal wall, and patients are left with a firmer midsection and narrower waist. Excess skin is excised, a new opening is created for the navel, and the incisions are sutured shut with just the right amount of tension. This leaves patients with a flatter tummy and an overall more aesthetically pleasing abdomen.

Liposuction Assisted Abdominoplasty

Liposuction-assisted abdominoplasty, or lipoabdominoplasty, is an option for patients with more unwanted fat in their abdomen. It’s common to combine a standard tummy tuck and liposuction. This technique has been refined for a more versatile procedure with good aesthetic results and a fast recovery.(3) Using tumescent liposuction, excess fat is removed from the abdomen. After this, skin is redraped and the navel is reattached. Excess skin is trimmed away, and the incisions are sutured shut.

Z Wave and UltraLight Treatment

These energy-based treatments are performed in the weeks following your procedure to speed along the healing process and ensure you enjoy the very best results.

Z Wave is a skin tightening treatment that uses powerful sound waves to contour the area of treatment. About 2 weeks after your tummy tuck, you’ll return to our offices for your first Z Wave session. Consistent sessions of this treatment act as massages, and help control swelling, reduce inflammation, and prevent contour irregularities. Dr. Koneru also uses the Rohrer UltraLight for circumferential reduction of abdominal tissue, as well as to help reduce inflammation and hasten healing. This non-invasive LED light therapy can also promote new collagen production.

Mini Abdominoplasty

The mini abdominoplasty addresses the lower abdomen only. With a shorter scar (about six inches: the same size as a c-section scar), and muscle repair only below the navel, a mini abdominoplasty recovery is usually shorter and less involved. This procedure is a good choice for patients who only want to contour the lower abdominal region.

Candidates for a Tummy Tuck

tummy tuck San Antonio

If you’ve noticed some significant changes in your abdominal region as a result of MWL or childbirth, an abdominoplasty could be a great treatment option for you. A tummy tuck is not for everyone and may not be suitable for patients who:

  • Plan to have more children (may affect your results)
  • Are obese or more than 30 lb over their ideal weight
  • Have a serious medical condition such as cardiopulmonary disease
  • Have poorly controlled diabetes mellitus
  • Have a blood clotting disorder

Is a Tummy Tuck Right for Me?

Dr. Koneru counsels all patients who wish to proceed with a tummy tuck procedure at Advanced Concepts in Plastic Surgery. An abdominoplasty is not a weight loss surgery and should only be chosen by patients with realistic expectations of what can be achieved. There will be a scar, but Dr. Koneru will ensure it is placed as discreetly as possible.

Abdominoplasties have high rates of patient satisfaction, with research showing that overall quality of life improves after the surgery.(4)

Personal Consultation

At your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Koneru, you can speak with him to find out more about the tummy tuck procedure and which surgical method will achieve the results you want. He’ll perform an abdominal examination and note the presence of skin laxity and fat. After we’ve taken a look at your medical history and the medications you take, Dr. Koneru will assess your candidacy for a tummy tuck procedure. Once this is complete, and everything looks good, we’ll arrange your treatment date. Dr. Koneru will continue to consult closely with you at every stage of the process, to ensure that you get the personalized care you deserve.

Your Abdominoplasty Procedure

tummy tuck san antonio

Dr. Koneru will give you a detailed list of instructions to follow before and after your tummy tuck. A traditional tummy tuck procedure can take between two to three hours. We will ask you to arrange transportation to and from your appointment. Abdominoplasties are performed under general anesthesia, and you will be unable to drive due to the residual effects of anesthesia.

Recovery and Results

Your Comfort Is Crucial

Dr. Koneru uses Exparel, a long-lasting local anesthetic. By placing a few strategic injections before surgery begins, patients are able to remain numb for up to 72 hours. This will ensure that you have minimal discomfort in the days following your tummy tuck and will be able to take less narcotic pain medication.


Dr. Koneru gives his patients an optimized experience with FRAPS: Fast Recovery After Plastic Surgery. By implementing best practices before, during, and after surgery, Dr. Koneru ensures that his patients have the best possible experience and are able to return to their schedules as quickly as possible.

Drainless Abdominoplasty

After surgery, most plastic surgeons usually leave a couple of drains in place to drain any extra fluid, but these can be painful and a source of infection. Dr. Koneru is a leader in Drainless Abdominoplasty and has successfully been using this procedure since 2018.

As You Heal

You’ll notice an immediate change in your silhouette after your tummy tuck, however, there may still be some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the weeks and months that follow. We’ll schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery. We encourage our patients to walk for 10 to 15 minutes every two hours after surgery. We also strongly recommend spending the first week in a recliner to avoid putting stress on your incision. Full recovery from a tummy tuck operation usually takes four to six weeks, although you may be able to return to work in as little as two weeks, depending on your job. The final results of your abdominoplasty will be visible in about six months. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will ensure that you’ll be able to enjoy your flatter, firmer tummy for many years.

Cost of a Tummy Tuck in San Antonio, TX

An abdominoplasty procedure can be customized to meet a patient’s specific needs. The scope of your surgery will depend on the extent of skin laxity, muscle damage, and additional fat removal in your abdomen. Once we have assessed the best method of surgery for your needs, we will provide a quote for the cost of your treatment. Financing may be available for qualified candidates.

Speak with our staff directly at (726) 227-6847 or fill out an inquiry form to make an appointment to discuss your rejuvenating tummy tuck procedure with Dr. Koneru.

Read Dr. Koneru’s blog for more information about our plastic surgery and non-surgical rejuvenation procedures.


Is a mini tummy tuck less invasive than a traditional tummy tuck?

Surgeons make a smaller horizontal incision across the abdomen in a mini tummy tuck. This means only the lower abdomen is treated. As a result of this shorter scar, a mini tummy tuck is considered somewhat easier to recover from and less invasive than the hip-to-hip incision of a traditional abdominoplasty.

How can I hide my tummy tuck scar?

After your tummy tuck, you will have a scar on your abdomen. Your surgeon will place this incision with great care to ensure it heals as discreetly as possible. The incision is made at a point in the lower abdomen that can be easily hidden under the waistband of pants or swimwear.

How soon can I exercise after an abdominoplasty?

Every recovery is different, so you should consult your surgeon personally to find out when you can resume strenuous exercise after your abdominoplasty. The average amount of time to wait before resuming exercise following a tummy tuck is six weeks.


  1. Rosenfield, L. K., & Davis, C. R. (2019). Evidence-Based Abdominoplasty Review With Body Contouring Algorithm. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 39(6), 643–661. https://doi.org/10.1093/asj/sjz013
  2. Regan, J.-P., & Casaubon, J. T. (2020). Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck). PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK431058/
  3. Rangaswamy, M. (2008). Lipoabdominoplasty: A versatile and safe technique for abdominal contouring. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery : Official Publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, 41(Suppl), S48-55. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2825137/
  4. Papadopulos, N. A., Staffler, V., Mirceva, V., Henrich, G., Papadopoulos, O. N., Kovacs, L., Herschbach, P., Machens, H.-G., & Biemer, E. (2012). Does Abdominoplasty Have a Positive Influence on Quality of Life, Self-Esteem, and Emotional Stability? Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 129(6), 957e. https://doi.org/10.1097/PRS.0b013e31824ecc2b